Petitioner and advocate P Pugalenthi submitted that the state government had not complied with the court order despite a lapse of three months.
"It is the paramount duty of the government of Tamil Nadu to withdraw all criminal cases filed against the agitators opposing the nuclear power plant as a first step in the implementation of the Supreme Court directive," he contended.
Counsel M Radhakrishnan noted the court should ensure enforcement of its orders to protect the institution's majesty but conceded the plea was in the nature of execution petition.
On May 6 this year,the Apex Court had disposed all pending Kudankulam-related cases, saying certain pre-commissioning guidelines should be followed. It also suggested the Tamil Nadu government withdraw all cases filed against the agitators to ensure peace and normalcy was restored in the region.
Madras High Court on July 29 had directed the state government to comply with the Supreme Court order and withdraw criminal cases against anti KNPP protestors.