The system, costing around Rs 12 crore, would be introduced next month, making the airport the first among the southern states to have such a facility, a CIAL press release said today.
It comprises safety robots developed by Canada-based Pedsco Ltd and threat containment vessel (TCV) and sophisticated luggage containment vehicle (both developed by Nabco, USA).
These equipment have already reached the airport and were in calibration phase, it said.
RMI-9WT is a light-weight, battery operated multi-purpose vehicle that has proven to be ideal for the remote handling of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), hazardous chemicals, radio active materials, fire fighting, hostage, hijacking and other hazardous situations.
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The TCV, capable of handling the suspected luggage and contain a blast of minimum eight KG of TNT or equivalent quantity of explosive, is the main equipment of the high-end security system.
CIAL Managing Director V J Kurian said the robotic system was part of CIAL'S commitment to the passengers to ensure flawless safety and security.
"...It represents the leading edge of airport safety . We always support the advancement of technology especially in safety issues," he said.
The high end technology would be deployed at the airport with the help of an integrated team having representatives of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), CIAL's own security wing and fire and rescue force the ARFF, the release added.