Speaking to reporters here today, Minister of State for Home Deepak Kesarkar said the accused in the Kopardi case - which sent shockwaves across the state due to the brutality involved - had consumed illicit liquor.
Illicit brew causes immediate intoxication as against the normal liquor, he said.
Action against those involved in production of hooch will be initiated under the stringent Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Slumlords, Bootleggers and Drug Offenders Act (MPDA), especially if they have committed the offence thrice or more, the Minister said.
Police will have to ensure the name of the complainant is not disclosed.
If illicit liquor dens are found to be working under the jurisdiction of a police station, disciplinary action would be taken against the officer in-charge of the station.
"Cases should be registered not only against the hooch manufacturers but also the owners of the premises where it is made," the minister said.