Former Uttarakhand Chief Minister Bhagat Singh Koshiyari of the BJP today defeated his nearest rival K C Singh Baba of Congress by more than 2 lakh 80 thousand votes from the Nainital constituency of the hill state.
Confirming Koshiyari's victory, Udhamsingh Nagar Returning Officer Pankaj Kumar Pandey said Koshiyari bagged a total of 6,28,075 votes whereas Baba garnered 3,47,654 votes.
Baba was the sitting MP from the seat.
Confirming Koshiyari's victory, Udhamsingh Nagar Returning Officer Pankaj Kumar Pandey said Koshiyari bagged a total of 6,28,075 votes whereas Baba garnered 3,47,654 votes.
Baba was the sitting MP from the seat.