"After receiving directions from Director General (DG) of Rajasthan police Omendra Bhardwaj, the police officers involved in solving the case are working on collecting the material for a comprehensive case study which would be sent to the DG," Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP), Kota city, Shantanu said.
The case study would be included in the police curriculum, he said.
Positive aspects along with experiences of the situations that duped police officials during search operation of the accused would be added in the case study, the ASP said.
Loopholes left at check posts during alert would also be included, he said, adding the case study would help police solve similar such crimes in future.
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Minor investigations are still going on in the case, he added.
Eighteen days after the murder, the key accused in the case, Ankur Padia (32), was arrested from Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh. Anoop Padia (35) was nabbed in Lucknow for helping Ankur while he was on the run after the crime.
Before his arrest, Ankur continued to dupe police by using different mobile phones with fake IDs and leaving them in running trains to hoodwink the police in locating his position.