On a standalone basis, Kotak Mahindra Bank (KMB) posted a post-tax net of Rs 465 crore in the third quarter of 2014-15, up 37 per cent over the year-ago period, helped by an upsurge in the money market.
The private lender posted Rs 130-crore profit from the treasury side as against a loss of Rs 18 crore in the year-ago period, and also a write-back of Rs 56 crore on provisions made earlier towards investments.
Whether the lender will be able to meet the April 1 target for getting the approvals, Gupta said, "hopefully, it should come thereabouts."
Asked if KMB is concerned about the discontent among ING Vysya employees, who are opposing the merger, he reiterated his bank's promise of abiding by the internal pacts concluded between the ING staffers and management.
For the reporting quarter, Kotak Bank's core net interest income grew 16 per cent to Rs 1,060 crore. Advances grew 22 per cent, taking the asset book size to Rs 64,600 crore, with the corporate segment expanding the fastest at 33 per cent and its stressed commercial vehicles and construction equipments sector showing marginal contraction.
Even though many lenders are saying corporate demand is yet to emerge, Gupta said there are initial signs of a revival in requirement for credit in this segment, while retail -- the mainstay for other banks -- is lagging for KMB.