At close of trade today, Kotak Mahindra's market capitalisation stood at Rs 1,29,963.14 crore, which is about Rs 1,244.92 crore more than ICICI's m-cap of Rs 1,28,718.22 crore.
Shares of ICICI fell by 2.47 per cent, while Kotak ended the day with a loss of 1.39 per cent on BSE.
ICICI Bank's shares have witnessed selling pressure since the company reported quarterly numbers, falling nearly 8 per cent in three straight trading sessions.
Kotak Mahindra Bank had overtaken ICICI Bank in market valuation in February this year also.
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HDFC Bank remains the biggest lender in terms of valuation as its m-cap stood at Rs 2,82,629.26 crore followed by SBI (Rs 1,42,990.35 crore).
Till last year, ICICI Bank's market cap was more than double of Kotak's.
The m-cap figure changes daily with the change in the stock price.