A technology companymentored by Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) has secured the highest innovation grant of Rs 50 lakh awarded by the central government.Embright Infotech, which specialises in virtual reality, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence (AI), bagged the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIRAC BIG15).The startup is one of the 15 companies selected for the grant in India, a press release said.This is the third governmental recognition for the firm, which had earlier cornered KSIDC's Entrepreneurial Development fund and NIDHI PRAYAS grant.In 2019, Embright was one of the top 20 firms that reached the fourth round of BIRAC BIG14.Its main product is Auticare, an Extended Reality (XR) AI-based assistive technology for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and special education, which ensures progress of cognitive, social and self-care skills of autistic children.Sathyanarayanan. A R is the CEO of the startup while Mr Bobin Chandra is the Co-founder.KSUM is the nodal agency of the Kerala government for entrepreneurship development and incubation activities in the state.