Karnataka minister Jagadish Shettar on Tuesday said he has sought for a report from officials on any effectsof "economic slowdown" in the state, as he sought toplay it down it as a "temporary" phenomenon, while defending the Modi government at the centre.
The principal secretary has been asked to give a report, the Large and Medium Scale Industries minister said.
"I have told our officers during the recent meeting to give a report, in the backdrop of discussions and reports in the media (about slowdown)."
Central government is taking several steps to control it by giving some concessions..with the Modi government coming to power, industrialisation, startups, skill development is gettingpriority."
"..Everything has become Bengaluru centric today, theyhave to go to tier two cities like Bijapur, Bagalkote, Belagavi, Hubballi-Dharwad, Davanngere, Gulbarga among others."