The Bidhannagar Police Commisonerate, under whose custody Ghosh is presently remanded, said it was considering interrogating Saradha Group chairman Sudipto Sen and Ghosh together.
"New evidences prove that Ghosh was involved in various other activities and matters of Saradha Group which are beyond his jurisdiction as Saradha Group media CEO," DC (Detective Department) Bidhannagar police commissionerate Arnab Ghosh said.
A team of Bidhannagar police commissionerate along with Arnab Ghosh had visited Ghosh's residence yesterday and this morning and seized important documents, hard disks and CDs.
The bail plea of Kunal Ghosh was rejected and he was remanded to five days' police custody on November 24.
Asked about the Facebook write-up Ghosh had posted hours after he was arrested, Arnab Ghosh said," We are looking into the matter. It might be a case of impersonation. We are looking into all aspects."
Arnab Ghosh, however, indicated that Ghosh had been cooperating with the investigating officers.