Nelson, who co-directed the film with Alessandro Carloni, said, Kai (voiced by JK Simmons), a bull, is a villain that Po is completely ill-equipped to face, reported Entertainment Weekly.
"He's somebody that's beyond Tai Lung, beyond Shen. He's a villain that Po is completely ill-equipped to face," Nelson said.
The new antagonist, who has large horns, leather armour, and uses two jade swords with chains attached as his go-to weapon, stands apart from his predecessors.
"I drew a little chart that had a picture of Tai Lung next to Po, a picture of Shen next to Po, and a picture of this new villain coming in.
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Kai will be seen in a face off with the characters in "cool" fight scenes with a dash of humour.
"That dynamic of a new villain, new energy, and new abilities that challenge Po is what makes it interesting for us-and makes for some cool fight scenes.
JK brings humour to a really intimidating bad guy, so we can go really intimidating with him and not scare the kids out of the theatre."