In its charge sheet filed before Special CBI court here, the CBI has accused the Kushwaha, who was a minister in the previous Mayawati government, and his close aide R P Jaiswal, the then MLA, of misusing their official position to benefit local company Surgicoin Mediquip Pvt Ltd in the case, CBI sources said.
"The matter pertained to upgradation of 134 district hospitals for an amount of Rs. 13.4 crores by C&DS, under NRHM. It was alleged that the said work was given to Ghaziabad-based and Lucknow-based private firms without following any codal formalities and on the basis of bogus and forged documents.
"An approximate loss of Rs. 5.46 crore was found to have been caused to the Government exchequer in the said case," CBI said in a statement.
Both Kushwaha and Jaiswal are already under judicial custody in Dasna Jail.
The CBI slapped Indian Penal Code sections related to criminal conspiracy, criminal breach of trust by public servant, cheating, forgery besides relevant sections of Prevention of Corruption Act.
The agency has already filed its first charge sheet in the case on April 3.
The CBI had take up probe in the alleged irregularities in the execution and implementation of National Rural Health Mission(NRHM) funds in Uttar Pradesh since its inception in the year 2005-06 till November, 2011 on the directions of the Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court.