"Larsen and Toubro Construction, the constriction arm of the company, has bagged Rs 1,324-crore turnkey order from the Andhra Pradesh Township Infrastructure Development Corporation for construction of residential buildings in the West Godavari district of the state," the firm said in a BSE filing today.
The project is part of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) Scheme and consists of residential tenements for the economically weaker sections, it said, adding that the scope of work includes construction of around 22,000 residential units in first-track mode.
The company said an engineering procurement and construction contract has also been bagged from NHPC for development of a 50-mw grid-connected solar photovoltaic project.
It has got a mandate of Rs 367 crore from the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board to execute a dedicated water supply project.