The actor, who stayed in news for his outrageous stunts throughout last year, also claimed that he was raped during his #IAmSorry art installation in LA.
The actor claimed his girlfriend, who was in the line to meet him during the installation, knew about what happened and was hurt by it.
"It really hurt her as well. When she came in she asked for an explanation, and I couldn't speak, so we both sat with this unexplained trauma silently. It was painful," he said about the alleged incident.
The interview took place in October when LaBeouf was in London for the premiere of Fury. The actor and the interviewer both wear GoPro cameras strapped to their heads during the interview.
LaBeouf's I Am Sorry installation included the actor spending a week living inside a Beverly Boulevard gallery. He wore his 'I am not famous anymore' paper bag over his head and the visitors were allowed to meet him one-on-one.