Deputy Labour Commissioner Rita Bhadoria said, "Family members of the deceased had given an application to the Labour Department seeking compensation. We have taken the complaint seriously and sent a notice to contractor Sardar Singh asking him to pay a compensation of Rs 7 lakh."
On Monday, Bablu (28), a cleaner at the ESI Hospital, had entered the manhole. When he didn't come out for a long time, a nearby fruit-seller, Shyamveer, entered the manhole to rescue him.
They were pulled out and rushed to a hospital, where Bablu and Shyamveer were declared brought dead.
Later, Bablu's relatives held protest outside the ESI Hospital and submitted a complaint at the Labour department.
National Commission for Safai Karamcharis member Vijay Kumar had visited Noida recently and met the family members of the victim and directed payment of a compensation of Rs 20 lakh.