In written response to a query, Union Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu informed the Lok Sabha that a three-member enquiry team of DMRC investigating the occurrence of sagging at Noida metro station had submitted a report to the government.
As per the report, DMRC informed that cracks were found in balance cantilever cross girder of NOIDA city centre metro station leading to sagging of Delhi end of platform, Naidu said.
He said the report has brought out the occurrence of cracks due to non-adherence to structural drawings with respect to placement of reinforcement on the part of the contractor and lack of supervision by DMRC representatives.
The report also held responsible DMRC Executive Engineer Sanjay Varshney and Junior Engineer Vikas Tyagi for not being watchful in supervising the construction at this location, Naidu said.
Services of Tyagi has been terminated and disciplinary action under major penalty against Varshney has been initiated, he said.