The 66-year-old former Bihar Chief Minister was operated at the Asian Heart Institute by a team of 20 doctors under the supervision of well-known cardiac surgeon Ramakanta Panda, who had operated on then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh five years ago.
"The surgery has gone off very well. The surgery, that started at 10 AM continued till about 4 PM, where we replaced his aortic valve that had narrowed. We also repaired his aorta that was dilated. We found a small 3 mm hole in his atrium which we closed during the surgery," Panda, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of the institute, told PTI.
"Lalu Yadav is under anaesthesia and has been kept on a breathing pipe. We are hoping that by tomorrow morning we will be able to remove his breathing pipe," he said.
Two bottles of blood were used to perform the operation on Yadav, who will be kept in the cardiac surgical intensive care unit for the next three days. After that, he will take a week to recover, the Padma Bhushan award winning surgeon said.
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Meanwhile, RJD leaders, legislators and well-wishers conducted a 'hawan' (fire ritual) and special prayers at party headquarters in Patna for Yadav's speedy recovery.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi wished a speedy recovery to the RJD chief and said he prays for his good health.