Taking up with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh the latest instance of arrest of 29 fishermen, she said the Lankan navy "is now acting with greater impunity and effectively thwarting Indian fishermen coming from the coastal districts of Tamil Nadu from peacefully pursuing their livelihood in their traditional fishing waters in the Palk Bay."
There was an anxiety among fishermen about possible attacks and harassment besides apprehension every time they set out for their vocation, she said in a letter to Singh dated February 14 which was released today by the government.
Fishermen of Ramanathapuram, Pudukkottai, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam districts were left at the "mercy of the marauding Sri Lankan Navy primarily due to the ill-advised 1974 and 1976 Agreements of the Government of India," she said, referring to India's ceding of Katchatheevu islet to Colombo.
She alleged that strong diplomatic action was not being taken by the Government to curb such repeated instances of attack, apprehension and unlawful detention of fishermen.
A total of 121 fishermen including the 29 arrested on February 13 were now languishing in Sri Lankan jails, she said and sought Singh's personal intervention to ensure that the matter was taken up at the highest diplomatic level for their immediate release besides that of 26 fishing boats.