Bollywood great Lata Mangeshkar, who was admitted to hospital two weeks ago, is "doing very good", her niece said on Monday but did not clarify when she will return home.
Mangeshkar, 90, was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of Breach Candy Hospital after she complained of difficulty in breathing on November 11. She was put on a ventilator.
It was not clear whether Mangeshkar was still in the ICU and still hooked on to a ventilator.
Hospital sources were unavailable for comment despite several attempts to contact them.
"She is doing very good. We are happy," Mangeshkar's niece Rachana Shah told PTI.
Asked when Mangeshkar would be discharged from hospital, Shah said, "Discharge time frame is presently not important. What's important is how well she is recovering."
In her over seven-decade career, Mangeshkar has sung more than 30,000 songs across languages.
She is considered one of the greatest playback singers in Indian cinema. She received the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour, in 2001.