According to J J Marg police station, a complaint was filed by sons of Khuzaima Qutbuddin, (self-proclaimed head of the Dawoodi Bohra community) saying that they were 'physically prevented' from paying their respects to the 51st Dai al-Mutlaq (Taher Saifuddin) as well as his successor Mohammad Burhanuddin at the Raudat Tahera mausoleum in Bhendi Bazar here yesterday.
In a statement issued to the media last evening, Khuzaima's sons--Abdeali Qutubuddin and Aziz Qutubuddin--said they were "physically prevented from paying their respects by "certain unruly elements", which they claimed were members of the Burhani Guard's Jehadi group.
"In spite of the police trying to have a peaceful discussion with them, the Burhani Guards in an act of complete disregard for law and order and the sanctity of the holy mausoleum, gathered more members and again assaulted and physically pushed out the sons," the statement said.
The matter is pending before the court.