"I am organising a big rally on the occasion of 70th birth anniversary of Rajiv Gandhi at Jind. I have told the Chief Minister that rather than launching the scheme district wise, why not there be a single launch from Jind, which will be a good thing," Rajya Sabha MP Birender Singh said while addressing a press conference here.
Birender was in news recently after he made sensational claim that berths in the Upper House of Parliament are available for Rs 100 crore.
Hooda has announced to implement the food security ordinance from August 20.
Under the Ordinance, Haryana government expects that 1.26 crore beneficiaries in rural and urban areas will be covered which will be almost 51.6 per cent of the state's total population.
Birender also said that he has personally invited UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi for the rally.
When a reporter asked if Gandhi's visit to Jind is confirmed, Birender said in an assertive tone, "this is my rally on the occasion of Rajiv Gandhi's birth anniversary. I have invited Sonia 'ji' in person and in writing also. I have send her an invite and she has happily accepted it. Now, what more further you want to ask..She is a highly protected person, confirmation comes to the government and then they let us know..