Hyderabad-based firm had filed IPO papers with Sebi in August. The markets regulator issued its final 'observations' on October 10 on the draft offer documents, which is necessary for any company to launch the public offer.
According to draft papers, the public issue comprises fresh issue of shares worth Rs 300 crore and an offer for sale of 24,844,240 equity scrips by the existing shareholders, including Warburg Pincus group and Eight Roads Ventures.
Proceed of the issue would be utilised towards payment of loans and for general corporate purposes.
Prior to that, Aster DM Healthcare, which runs hospitals, filed its draft papers with the markets regulator in June. Another healthcare firm, New Delhi Centre For Sight, has already received clerance from Sebi for its IPO.
Besides, several healthcare companies have successfully launched their IPOs. These include diagnostics chains Dr Lal PathLabs and Thyrocare Technologies and hospital chain Narayana Hrudayala.
Laurus Labs is a leading research and development driven pharma company in India, with a leadership position in generic active pharmaceutical ingredients for select, high-growth therapeutic areas of anti-retrovirals and Hepatitis C.