In his nine-page affidavit which will be taken up by the apex court at its hearing on Wednesday, the CBI chief gave details of series of meetings with Kumar, Attorney General G E Vahanvati, Additional Solicitor General Haren Raval and Shatrughna Singh and A K Bhalla, joint secretaries of the PMO and the Coal Ministry in which changes in the probe reports were suggested and made by them.
In an assertion that belies Vahanvati' earlier statement in the court that he did not see the status report, the CBI Director said the top law officers not only glanced through the reports but also made certain observations about them besides suggesting some "minor" changes.
Giving details of two meetings with the Law Minister that was "not called at the request of CBI", the affidavit said that certain changes were made by him in draft status report on March 6 in his chamber two days before they were filed in a sealed envelope in the apex court.
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"A copy of the draft report to PE 219 2012 E 002 (allocations made during 2006-09)... Was perused by him and he also made certain changes in the same....," it said.
The Director, however, asserted that neither the central theme of status reports got changed after meetings nor any deletion of any evidence against any suspect or accused took place.
Sinha said there are no minutes of the meetings which took place with Law Minister and officials of PMO and coal ministry and details of his affidavit "are based on best recollection of my memory and of my officers".
Responding to a query of the apex court as to under which rule the Minister and officials are entitled to peruse report, the Director said there is nothing in the CBI manual to guide whether status reports in an ongoing investigation in a sub-judice matter are to be shared with others.