"The tragedy in Oak Creek was experienced by one community in Wisconsin but felt by every community around the country. The Sikh community will never forget how, while preparing for Sunday prayer, their peace was shattered. And neither can we," said Congresswoman Judy Chu, Co-Chair of the American Sikh Congressional caucus.
"We must remember the tragedy, but we must also confront it. The violence of August 5, 2012 was born from bigotry and prejudice, which are poisons to our society," she said.
"Two years ago, a bigoted terrorist murdered six innocent Americans and forever altered the lives of their family, friends, and loved ones. We must stamp out this hate from all corners of our nation," said Congressman John Garamendi, who is the other Co-Chair of the American Sikh Caucus.
"We must also remember and promote the remarkable love that has shone through the darkness of that day...," Garamendi said.
The American Sikh Congressional Caucus is co-chaired by Congressmen Judy Chu, David Valadeo, John Garamendi and Patrick Meehan. Comprised of 42 bi-partisan Members of Congress, the Caucus seeks to educate Members and the general public about Sikh issues and support the Sikh American community.