The All India Bar Association (AIBA) has suggested videographing of court proceedings saying it will bring about greater transparency and will also curb filing of false and frivolous cases.
"There should be live broadcast of the proceedings of all courts on the website of that court," AIBA has said in its letter through its Chairman, Adish C Aggarwala, to the PM.
It has also suggested that two eminent personalities to be nominated in the National Judicial Appointments Commission should not be lawyers or relatives of any judge or practising lawyer, so that the nominated members can work impartially, without any bias and influence of any kind".
It has also recommended that no retired judge be appointed in any Tribunal or Commission and only sitting judges be appointed to such posts.
It has also said that the prevalent system of appointing the Chief Justice of any particular High Court from another state should also be put to an end as that judge would not be aware of local issues.