According to Kadi police inspector R R Patel, Hardik Patel, who is spearheading the agitation demanding reservation for Patels under the OBC quota, has refuted charges levelled against him and claimed that it is an attempt to disrupt the agitation.
The complaint was filed by one Prakash Patel at Kadi police station in Mehsana yesterday. In his complaint, Prakash, a Kadi-based transporter, alleged that Hardik, a resident of Viramgam, had borrowed Rs 2 lakh from him.
"Prakash claimed that Hardik refused to return the borrowed money and threatened him. Thus, we have lodged a complaint against Hardik under Section 506(2) (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code. No arrest has been made yet," Kadi police inspector R R Patel said.
Meanwhile, Hardik refuted these allegations and put Prakash in the dock.
"This is a totally malicious complaint. I never borrowed anything from Prakash. I think it is an attempt to disrupt our agitation. Prakash is a puppet in the hands of some political leaders who are against our agitation," Hardik said.