Condemning the rape of the minor and brutalisation of a five-year-old girl in New Delhi of late, the leaders from Congress, BJP, NCP and MNS took pledge to prevent such incidents, which they said were perpetrated by "mentally sick" people.
The leaders assembled near the statue of Mahatma Gandhi at Variety Square in busy Sitabuldi area last evening, and staged protests after offering prayers for the speedy recovery of the minor whose condition is deteriorating each passing day.
Prominent leaders among those who participated in the event, organised by the city Congress president Jaiprakash Gupta, were AICC general secretary and city MP Vilas Muttemwar, former BJP MP Banwarilal Purohit, MLAs Krishna Khopde and Vikas Kumbhare (both BJP), Ajay Patil (NCP), Hemant Gadkari (MNS), Shekhar Sawarbandhe (Shiv Sena) and others.