In the lecture series, eminent personalities from different spheres would be invited to share their experience, a spokesperson of the institute today said.
The first lecture of the series would be delivered at the commemoration event tomorrow by Manas K Mandal, Director General - Life Sciences, DRDO.
The lecture series will be the latest initiative by the institute amongst others.
Institute director Amitabha De said, "Dr Kalam's legacy is to make the planet more livable, not only for the present, but for future generations as well. To pay our respects to the legend, we would name the auditorium in our new campus after the former president with a life-size statue of him to be placed outside it."
Over 200 students of the Institute undertook a tree plantation drive around Shillong today.
"The plantation drive is our small initiative to make the planet more livable focusing on aspects related to the environment as well as human life," a teacher at the institute, Basav Roychoudhury said.