The 28-year-old actor, who will next be seen opposite actor Ajay Devgn in the fourth installment of the comedy franchise, said she could concentrate on doing her job as the responsibility of carrying the film was ably shouldered by the huge and supportive cast.
"Sometimes you feel less pressure as you know there are so many stars in the film. It's not you who is carrying the weight of the film on your shoulders. You can just concentrate on what you have to do and have fun with it," Parineeti told the reporters here.
"It is my first multi-starrer. I got to know you can be in the frame with six-seven characters. The number can also go up to 10-15 till the climax.
"It was very different as I have mostly worked with one- two co-stars in one go. Also, a film like 'Golmaal' requires different acting and dialogue delivery. I learnt a lot."
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Parineeti said she felt like a crazy fan when she first saw the cast of the film together.
"But it soon went away as the moment I joined, they treated me like an equal co-star. I was a part of the gang. It became an equal relationship quickly."
The actor said she could feed off this energy to deliver a better performance.
"All of these people are mad - right from the director to the last crew member. The reason we are able to show all the fun onscreen is only because we have so much fun off-screen. I never thought I'll have so much fun on the set of a movie.
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