Following India's defeat in the second ODI against Bangladesh, in an unusual show of emotions, Dhoni last night said he can step away from captaincy if it brings back good days to Indian cricket.
Ganguly said one must not take it seriously since Dhoni's words were result of frustration.
"He has said it in the heat of the moment and it's not right. He was upset after the defeat. Leave it there. Everybody has to sit together and think. Don't put M S Dhoni down, he has a terrific record in One dayers. Give respect to him," Ganguly told a TV Channel.
"Whoever has to take a decision, has to take long-term aspect in mind. There is BCCI President, Secretary General and office bearers. He should be given all the time in the world. Whether he wants to continue and has the power to lift the side..."
When reminded that he was part of the BCCI Advisory Committee and can make a suggestion on the matter to the Board, Ganguly said, "I am not sure if it is part of the Advisory Committee."