In a letter to Jung, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will apprise Prime Minister Narendra Modi about the whole issue by writing a letter. Significantly, Kejriwal is also scheduled to meet President Pranab Mukherjee on the issue.
"Your directions are against the provisions of law and the Constitution and, therefore, cannot be complied... The Chief Minister is writing a letter to the Prime Minister on the issue," Sisodia said in the letter.
Immediately after Kumar was appointed by Kejriwal, Jung shot off a letter to the chief minister, declaring his posting "void" and categorically made it clear that he was the final authority for appointment and transfer of senior bureaucrats.
As the letter found way to the media, Sisodia tweeted "Strange that a Constitutional Authority leaking letters addressed to Dy CM before it is received. Is it allowed under Constitution of India?"