Researchers from University College, London found that in a speaking test, liars were able to spot other liars far more accurately than people who told the truth which might explain why poker players are good at both, the 'Daily Mail' reported.
Oddly, the ability was not related to IQ (Intelligence quotient) or emotional intelligence - the ability to lie is a separate thing.
Researchers graded 51 volunteers simultaneously on their abilities to tell lies and spot other liars.
There were some clear indications that people are lying - such as the fact that they took longer to start talking, which the research confirmed, but liars picked up on these more easily.
The liars and non-liars were of similar intelligence level
So it is not a simple difference in intellectual ability. The ability to deceive seems to be separate although it's not clear whether people are born with it, or learn it.
"A significant relationship was found between the deception-related abilities those who could accurately detect a lie were able to produce statements that others found difficult to classify as deceptive or truthful," the researchers were quoted by the paper as saying.