In an interview with AFP yesterday at his military compound about 100 kilometres (60 miles) northeast of second city Benghazi, he said his forces would press to take the city by the middle of April and urged the international community to "stand with the Libyan army".
"We will end in very little time the presence of the enemy and terrorists in the region. Operations in the city of Benghazi will end before the middle of next month," Haftar said.
Haftar, 72, was sworn in on March 9 as the new army chief in conflict-ridden Libya and promoted to general, a week after his nomination by the elected parliament.
He said that Islamist militias have flourished in the absence of public institutions, "pushing the country further towards extremism and terrorism" and "stripping Libyans of life, security and development".
He said the offensive in Benghazi, which he has dubbed Operation Dignity, was to "answer the repeated calls of the Libyan people for the return of the army to combat terrorism in the region".