Additional District and Sessions Judge of Jajpur Rohitlal Panda passed the order convicting Giridhari Rout(51) and his daughter Gitanjali Rout(27) of Dihakuransh village in the district for murder of Maheswar Rout(42) on July 9, 2014.
The court also imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on each of them.
Giridhari and Maheswar were cooks and worked jointly till the latter picked up a quarrel during a marriage feast at Chandaneswar temple premises in public on July 9, 2014.
Hearing Maheswar scream, the neighbours rushed to his rescue and admitted the injured man to a local hospital. He was shifted to SCB Medical College and Hospital in Cuttack the same night he died there.
The complaint to the police was lodged by Maheswar's wife.