The show is based on "Panchatatva" (the five elements of nature)-- void, fire, air, water and earth), said Manish Chatrath, Chairman of Delhi Tourism.
Ustad Amjad Ali Khan has composed the music and Daler Mehendi has sung the opening song for the show, while Om Puri and Kabir Bedi have given the Hindi and English voiceovers.
The duration of the show is 25 minutes. It will run in English, Hindi and Punjabi languages between 7.30 PM and 9.40 PM everyday.
Chatrath said that this is the only show of its kind in Asia Pacific with visual effects and architectural mapping based projection, where 16 multimedia projectors and 32 illumination fixtures will create an illumination fixture of 220,000 lumen.
The show is being held at the Guru Teg Bahadur Memorial near Singhu Border. The entry fee is Rs 60 for adults and Rs 30 for children.