The 28-year-old actor spoke about her own activity on social media in light of Daisy Ridley's decision to delete her accounts after being trolled on Twitter, reported Femalefirst.
"I completely and utterly relate to that. I believe it to be true, and therefore I am a hypocrite. I am on (social media), and I have a constant inner battle about it," James said.
"I'm not on Twitter, I don't want to always have something to say, I want to save that for my life. Also I think, especially as a young person, you change your opinions every second, so (you shouldn't) put something down in concrete that's going to come back and haunt you," she added.
"Instagram you can use for all sorts of different reasons and that can be powerful. But I do worry about obsession and about perfection and about always presenting your life in a certain way, which is very untrue to how you go about your day," James said.
"We go through all sorts of different emotions and Instagram makes it look like everything is perfect, and that's rubbish," she added.