He told reporters today that Rs 1.52 crore was sanctioned for 34 village panchayats in the Machilipatnam Mandal by the 13th Finance Commission, while Rs 14.23 crore were sanctioned for Machilipatnam Mandal to construct cyclone shelters as well as approach roads.
He said that Rs 1.61 crore was sanctioned as SC / ST sub-plan funds for Buddlapalem and Vadapalem villages meant for roads as well as other sanitation works.
He said that land survey work for the Machilipatnam Port has been completed, while private land survey work would begin shortly.
He appealed to farmers to follow the example of farmers in Guntur District, who had given away their lands for the construction of Andhra Pradesh's new capital.
He assured that he would ensure that no injustice would be done to even a single farmer who give up his land for the Machilipatnam Port.