The owner of 'Netaji Dhaba' at the NH by pass, Anil Patel, has alleged that Sandesh Kannaujia, vice president of the district unit of the SP, and his three associates ate at the restaurant on Monday night and got involved in a brawl with his worker at the time of payment, police said.
Patel has alleged that besides getting involved in verbal fight, Kannaujia and his associates also looted cash kept at the cash counter. They also broke chairs and threatened before leaving, police said.
Meanwhile, Kannaujia said that the FIR has been filed by his political adversaries and he didn't visit the restaurant that day.
Kannaujia said the worker who has accused him of loot has been involved in petty thefts in the past and he (Kannaujia) had opposed his actions about a year ago.
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