A bench of justices Badar Durrez Ahmed and Siddharth Mridul perused the fresh pictures submitted by South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC), after it and DDA were pulled up for filing photo-shopped pictures, and observed that while some areas of Dwarka look better, there was scope for more.
"There is an improvement. But still a lot needs to be done. We direct Executive Engineer of Department of Environment Management Services (DEMS), SDMC and DDA to visit the site together at 11 AM tomorrow to identify appropriate place for garbage dumps.
The court, which also impleaded the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation in the matter, also directed DDA to submit status report on service lanes in Dwarka and asked SDMC to ensure cleanliness in the area.
It also suggested that SDMC should provide a garbage disposal system for the residents of Dwarka and then declare that there will be zero tolerance towards littering.
Ebbani had opposed SDMC's claims of having completely cleaned up some areas of Dwarka and said that in some places rubble is being dumped behind walls.