Around 150 migrant workers, who hadset off on foot for their native places in Madhya Pradesh from Pune amid the lockdown, were stopped by the police early on Wednesday, an official said.All these people live in Katraj area of Pune and work as labourers in and around the city, the official said."Our police patrol team spotted a group of around 150 people, including women and children, walking in the early hours of Wednesday. When they were stopped, they told us that they are labourers working in and around Pune and had set off on foot for their native places in MP," said a police officer, attached to the Kondhwa police station.He said it seems that these people thought they would get some transport facility, through which they can reach their native places in the neighbouring state."We convinced them not to leave Pune and assured that arrangements for their accommodation will be done. However, they decided to go back to the places in Katraj area, where they are currently staying," he said.