The Delhi Police received over 1,000 calls on their helpline number within a period of 24 hours till Wednesday after seeking assistance in resolving issues being faced by people due to the lockdown, officials said on Wednesday.
Delhi Police received 1,053 calls from Tuesday 2 pm to Wednesday 2 pm, out of which 160 where related to areas outside the national capital and those have been referred to the respective state police, they said.
While 29 calls were regarding not having food or money, which have been forwarded to an NGO for direct relief at their addresses, 27 calls were related medical issues and have been resolved through proper guidance, the police said.
As many as 696 calls related to movement passes were, and were advised to approach their respective Additional DCP-I office, they said, adding till Wednesday, 8,303 number of calls have received on their helpline number.
Police also distributed 450 ration kits in Jahangir Puri area along with an online food firm, they added.
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