Maharashtra Chief Minister UddhavThackeray on Thursday welcomed the economic package announced by the Centre to ease the impact of the coronavirus-enforced lockdown, saying it will provide relief to the poor and those working in the unorganized sector.The government on Thursday announced a Rs 1.7-lakh crore stimulus that included free foodgrain and cooking gas to the poor for three months, and cash doles to women and senior citizens as it looked to ease the economic impact of the 21- day nationwide lockdown.Thackeray asked the authorities in the state to ensure the people in the state benefit from the package.He said decisions like providing essential commodities free of cost to the poor, free LPG cyinder under Ujjwala scheme, foodgrains at affordableprices, Rs 2,000 for farmers under the Shetkari Sanman Yojana will help ensure the daily life of vulnerable sections of people is not adversely affected.The chief minister also appreciated the decison to deposit Rs 1,000 in the Jan Dhan bank accounts of the poor, senior citizens, handicapped and widows.