The Mumbai police, which has beentirelessly working to enforce the COVID-19 lockdown, used a heart-warming video to appeal to people to remain indoors during the health crisis.In a video posted on Twitter, police personnel, overworked with several patrolling and bandobast duties, are seen speaking about what they would have done if they were forced to remain at home for 21 days.The video, which garnered 477k views, 19.2k likes and 5,334 retweets, earned the appreciation of several celebrities and sportspersons, who thanked the police for their service during these unprecedented circumstances.The two-minute video on the police's official Twitter handle @mumbaipolice shows personnel of every rank, responding to the question what they would have done if they were forced to stay home.From spending more time with their families, watching movies to reading, police personnel, including female staff, say they would make the most of their time at home.Deputy commissioner of police Pranay Ashok, who was also featured in the video, said he would have spent time with his wife, pets and caught up on sleep.The video ends with a message to Mumbaikars that while policemen stayed out and let citizens live their dreams, won't people let them fulfil their wish to keep the city safe from evils, including coronavirus.