Using a captive population of zebra finches, the researchers carried out sperm competition experiments between pairs of males, where one male consistently produced long sperm and the other male always produced short sperm.
The experiments showed that more long sperm reached and fertilised the eggs compared to short sperm.
The long sperm advantage was evident even when the short sperm males mated with the females first, and were effectively given a 'head start'.
The results also suggest that the final outcome of sperm competition may be partly dependent on the female bird.
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"We know that in the zebra finch, long sperm swim faster than short sperm, so we might expect longer, faster swimming sperm to simply reach the egg first," said Dr Clair Bennison from the University's Department of Animal and Plant Sciences.
"However, this reasoning does not explain why long sperm outcompete short sperm in our study. Long sperm win at sperm competition, by fertilising more eggs, even when short sperm are given a head start," Bennison said.
Female birds store sperm inside their bodies for many days, and this is one way that the females themselves could influence the fertilisation success of the males.
It is possible that long sperm are better at reaching and staying inside these storage areas than short sperm. Long sperm may even be 'preferred' by the female, by some unknown process.
"Our findings are important because they demonstrate for the first time in birds, using a controlled competitive scenario, that sperm length can influence the fertilisation success of a particular male," Bennison said.
Scientists believe that a better understanding of how sperm length influences fertilisation success in non-human animals such as the zebra finch may point us in new directions for investigation in human fertility research.
The study is published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.