In his upcoming film 'PK' starring Aamir Khan, the 51-year-old director has again gone the unusual way with naming his characters- Sanjay Dutt plays Bhairon Singh and Anushka Sharma is titled Jagat Janani.
"Whenever we write a script we try and think of unusual names for the characters. We had Ranchodas Shamaldas Chanchad and Phunsukh Wangdu in '3 Idiots'. Who gives the hero such unusual names? In Bollywood movies we have very simple names. But I like to keep it quirky," Hirani said during the launch of the first song from 'PK' titled 'Tharki Chokro' here last evening.
"When you watch the film you will come to know what 'PK' stands for. But I can say that it will be very unusual."
Hirani says 'PK' is a very special film for him because it stars his two favourite actors- Dutt and Aamir. Hirani has worked with Dutt, 55, in 'Munna Bhai MBBS' and 'Lage Raho Munna Bhai', while he has collaborated with Aamir on '3 Idiots'.
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"This film means a lot to me because it has both Sanju and Aamir in it. I could not have asked for anything more," he said.
The film will hit theatres on December 19.