Finance Minister P Chidambaram also exempted Railways from payment of service tax for period between July, 1, 2012 (rpt 2012) to October 1, 2012 to avoid burden on the state-owned carrier.
Making a brief statement while moving the Finance Bill for voting, he introduced an amendment on the issue of wealth tax in view of misapprehensions as to whether it will apply to agriculture land.
The apprehensions arose on account of judgements following Punjab and Haryana High Court rulings, Chidambaram said, adding he had worked hard yesterday to prepare the amendment and obtain the approval of the President and "the matter should come to an end."
The passage of the General and Railway budgets was rushed through as the guillotine had to applied to meet the constitutional requirements.
BJP staged walk out over the coal issue, while Left, BJD and AIADMK left the House to protest against passage of important bills without discussion. DMK too walked out demanding removal of the JPC chief P C Chacko.