When asked by reporters whether a different result (vis-a-vis rout of Congress-NCP in Maharashtra in Lok Sabha polls) was possible under the "present leadership", Rane, believed to be nursing the ambition of becoming the Chief Minister, said it would not be different and that was the reason he was going to quit the ministry tomorrow (as announced earlier).
He is scheduled to meet the Chief Minister at 10 am tomorrow in Mumbai.
The former Chief Minister hit out at Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray for his remarks yesterday that he prayed to God so that Rane got "mental peace" in whichever political party he might end up.
"Uddhav does not know that those who do good for others get rewarded by the God. Those who harass and torment others get punished," Rane said.
"I am resigning happily as I am a fighter," he told his supporters, and sought their backing.