Releasing a letter written by Lovekesh Kumar Sharma, director with Lok Sabha Secretariat to DTC, a senior Delhi government official said the LS Secretariat had on April 25 requested Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)to provide six AC-buses for ferrying MPs to Parliament from their residence in the national capital.
"The vehicles of Members of Parliament and also the vehicles provided by DTC to Lok Sabha Secretariat for ferrying members of Parliament are not exempted during this period (odd-even).
The Delhi government official claimed that the AAP dispensation did not demand money in lieu of running 'MP Special' bus service to ferry Parliamentarians to the House.
"The charges per kilometre per vehicle (DTC bus) including taxes may be communicated to Lok Sabha Secretariat. The bills may be sent to the Lok Sabha Secretariat for payment after the completion of the duty," letter, written by Sharma on April 25, stated.
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"It was their (Delhi government)offer. This is ridiculous to say that they have been doing this or that for the MPs. We do not need any mercy.
"And the bus service provided by the Delhi government was not free of cost. Parliament Secretariat was supposed to pay Rs 12,000 per day for each bus. Since it was not used, we said no to them," Bhalla had said.
Delhi government had on April 25 launched 'MP Special' bus service to ferry lawmakers to the Parliament during the odd-even scheme.