"We are here to learn more about opportunities for Luxembourg companies to invest in India, which has shown strong economic growth and even overtook China last year in economic growth," Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg Etienne Schneider said.
He was speaking at the seminar on 'Luxembourg: A prime Business Hub in Europe', organised by CII here.
A small country with less than 5 lakh people and strong GDP, Luxembourg is strategically placed at the heart of Europe, making it a convenient logistic centre for companies.
Schneider invited Indian companies for setting up joint ventures in sectors like automobile, pharma and IT in his country.
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Luxembourg offers the investors friendly economy and lowest corporate tax. Global depository receipts of nearly 150 Indian companies are already traded on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, he said.
During his visit to India, Schneider called on Union Steel and Mines Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and discussed the proposed JV between state-run SAIL and ArcelorMittal, a multinational steel manufacturing firm headquartered in Luxembourg.
In last one decade, the country has diversified into sectors like financial, information communication technology, space, satellite and logistics, he added.
"If I had to draw a first conclusion from this week's visit, I can say with great confidence that I see a lot of potential for increased cooperation between Luxembourg and India," Schneider said.
"We tend to see ourselves as bridge builders and I am keen to start building additional bridges between our countries and our people."