Yadav said his Samajwadi Party will "never do politics" on the issue even as his government continues to face flak over the incident in which 50-year-old Ikhlaq was lynched and his son injured by a mob last Monday after rumours that he had eaten beef.
"I could not go to the village (Dadri) and so I felt it would be appropriate if I meet them here...The family is in a state of shock. Nothing can make up for their loss. We can share their grief, but cannot erase the scene they witnessed," he told reporters after meeting victim Ikhlaq's mother Asgari, brother Mohammed Afzal and daughter Shaista.
He said the family had "never imagined that something like this could happen" to them in the village where they have lived for so long and have had "good relationship" with all.
After a two-hour meeting, Yadav announced raising of the financial assistance to Rs 30 lakh from Rs 20 lakh besides Rs five lakh each to the victim's three brothers.
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The Chief Minister also offered "best possible treatment" for the injured son Danish wherever the family wishes.
Ikhlaq's family members, who were brought here last evening, expressed satisfaction over the assurance.
"We are satisfied and hope that the CM himself will ensure what he has said," the victim's mother Asgari said.
Yadav also announced financial assistance of Rs five lakh to Rahul Yadav, the youth injured during a protest in Gautam Budh Nagar in the wake of the lynching incident, an official spokesman said here.
He said there have been attempts to vitiate the atmosphere ever since his government came to power in the state.
"Those doing politics can level any allegation...But I want to assure everyone that Samajwadis never do politics on such things. Since SP government came to power there are some forces trying to create one or the other atmosphere," he said.